
Research > Invited Talks

  1. Estrategias de linealización para programas 0-1. XIV Seminario de Optimización de Recursos y Teoría de Juegos, Universidad de Murcia. 28-29 octubre de 2021.

  2. Hub Location and Pricing Problem. XII Seminario de Optimización de Recursos. Especial Navidad 2017, Universidad de Murcia. 21-22 diciembre 2017.

  3. Clique partitioning problems with connection. Curso de “Optimización” en Programa de Doctorado de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla. 19-20 diciembre 2016.

  4. Clustering Data that are Graph Connected. Net-2016 – III International Workshop. Network Models in Statistics, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Trento, Italy between December 16 and 17, 2016.

  5. On k-sum optimization. Seminar of School of Mathematics de la Universidad de Edimburgo, Reino Unido, July, 2016.

  6. Localización con incertidumbre. XI Seminario de Optimización de Recursos y Teoría de Juegos . Facultad de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Murcia (Spain), 17-18 diciembre, 2015.

  7. Modelos p-centro robustos y probabilísticos en localización. Doctoral Program Mathematics and Institute of Mathematics of University of Seville (IMUS). 16 de diciembre 2015.

  8. Localización con incertidumbre. Location and logistics problems in dangerous goods transportation . Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville (Spain), 26th-28th October, 2015.

  9. Mixed integer linear programming for feature selection in support vector machine. Programa de doctorado de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla . IMUS, Antonio de Castro Brzezicki, 15-diciembre-2014.

  10. Support vector machine with feature selection. V Encuentro de trabajo del Grupo de Investigación “Nuevos Desafíos de la Matemática Combinatoria” (28-30 de Noviembre de 2014). Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz).

  11. Incorporating order requirements in the design of hub-and-spoke networks. 18th Combinatorial Optimization Workshop. CNRS Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois, France. January 6-10, 2014 .

  12. Ordered Median functions and Hub location problems. CORMSIS: Centre of Operational Research, Management Science and Information Systems of Southampton University. February, 2013.

  13. Hub location problems with order requirements. ALEL 2012 Meeting on Optimization. Limoges (Francia). July, 2012.

  14. Single Allocation Capacitated Ordered Median Hub Location Models. CORAL 2012 4th Workshop Combinatorial Optimization, Routing and Location Meeting. Benicasim (Castellón). May, 2012.

  15. Robustness in location problems with rapid transit lines. III Meeting of Project Excellence Andalusian FQM-5849, Gorafe, Granada, January 2012.

  16. Closest Assignment Constraints in Discrete Location Problems. Seminar “New Challenges in Combinatorial Mathematics”, Mathematics Faculty of Seville University, November 2011.

  17. Location, order and discrete optimization. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, November 2010.

  18. Location problems with order. Invitation to Discrete Location Session in XXXII Nation Meeting of Statistic and Operations Research. La Coruña, September, 2010.

  19. Introduction to Stochastic Programming. II Meeting of the Group of Challenges of Combinatoric Mathematics. Villamoura (Portugal). February 2010.

  20. Stochastic Programming in Set Packing problems. VI Seminar of Sources optimization. Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Murcia, Enero 2010.

  21. On Discrete optimization with ordering. III Combinatorial Optimization, Routing and Location Meeting. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche. June 2009.

  22. Discrete Optimization Problems with ordering. V Seminar of Sources Optimization. Faculty of Mathematics of Murcia, May 2009.

  23. Logistics to decision making. Seminar: Optimization to decision making. Faculty of Mathematics, University of Seville. June 2007.

  24. Ordered Median Problem with lp norm. EURO Winter Institute on Location and Logistics. Estoril, Portugal. February 2007.

  25. Flexible formulations for the location problem with capacity constraints. Seminar of Optimization Sources, Center of Operations Research, University of Miguel Hernández of Elche. October 2006.

  26. Multicriteria Location Problem. University of Saarbrucken, Germany. October 2005.

  27. The art for locating. Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Sevilla and Camara Fundation, May 2005.

  28. Conditional location on networks. IV Spanish Seminar of Location, University of Murcia. Lorca, November 2003.

  29. Location of Service Facilities: mobile and regional. Thematic Network of Locational Analysis, University of Sevilla. November, 2003.

  30. Finite Dominante sets of the ordered p-median problem. Department of Applied Mathematics II, University of Seville. June 2003.

  31. Efficiency with mixed norms. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. February 1999.

  32. Several Problems in Continuous Location. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. November 1997.