"Healthy life, healthy people!"

CEO: Khansa

Company Description: Grumble, a company spreading awareness about eating disorders. My company is willing to educate people more about my topic by sharing, what is an eating disorder, the symptoms, cause and effects, and many more.

Product: An educational website that includes a video with information about eating disorders Link

Price: Free

More Information: Please contact me at


"One of the most used materials might not be the best"

CEO: Julian

Company Description: Our company tries to get rid of plastic. Anything made out of plastic will try to find fitting replacements instead of plastic For example, Plastic bottles will be changed to aluminium bottles (Water bottles that are reusable for a long time are allowed).

Product: An educational presentation on why we should no longer produce single-use plastic. Link

Price: Free

More Information: Please contact me at


Gender Roles Not Sushi Rolls

"Let’s make the world equal again!"

CEO: Galya

Company Description: A website about gender equality and why it matters. This topic is important because without it there would be no fairness in the world and there would be no such thing as equal rights. My plan is to make a poster and a website to share through social media. I want more people to see It to understand more about gender equality and why it should matter and exist.

Product: A colourful and descriptive website on gender equality. Link

Price: Free

More Information: Please contact me at


"Don't just do Social, BE Social"

CEO: Chiara

A company trying to spread awareness about social media and help them get through its addiction. Many people use social media in this pandemic without knowing the truth and its hidden agenda. This company is here to make everyone aware of the dangers of social media and its true purpose for its existence. I am here to let others know what will be best for their health and safety.

Product: An educational website where you can find out the hidden agenda behind your screens. Link

Price: Free

More Information: Please contact me at


De-extinction and Technology Institute

“Learn the secrets of the world”

CEOs: Angelo and El

Company Description: Our mission is to give you information about de-extinction and how machines affect the pandemic. Our topic targets more about how de-extinction and technology have a connection with each other and how they can impact the earth. Through a video/animation and test of your knowledge about the information given, we provide you with information we learned to strengthen your knowledge and beliefs about the world.

Product: An educational video about de-extinction with another video about the effects of technology on the pandemic. Link

Price: Free

More Information: Please contact us at either: or


"We Live To Give"

CEOs: Fausto and Kimi

Company Description: Welcome to HealthDemic, our company helps people that are in stressful situations by giving tips, messages and our products. We solve problems that are caused by lockdown.

Product: Paired with a stress ball, we offer a meditative and virtual tour experience on mental health and the pandemic situation. Website Link

Promotional Material: YouTube Channel Link

Price: Meditative Virtual Tour - 20Rb

Stress Ball - POA

More Information: Please contact us at either: or