CEO: Ayeesha & Fiby

Company Name : Aquatic Isle

Slogan: Save the Ocean

Company Description:

Our company encourages people, especially younger generations, to help our ocean become a cleaner and healthier environment for the animals living in it, and people to have access to clean water.

Product: Video Campaign

Price: Free

CEO: Dara

Company Name: Mendaci

Slogan: Don't Let History Repeat Itself!

Company Description:

Welcome to Mendaci, a company dedicated to solving an important issue. The issue is the effects of miscommunication shown in the Salem Witch Trials. To put it in short, there are incidents where miscommunication is the main problem. In this case, I will be showing one of those incidents that are the Salem Witch Trials. Miscommunication could be a topic that most people think they understand. But in reality, it is a much bigger problem. Since the last unit, I have already brought awareness, and now, I am trying my best to solve this issue.

Product: Website Link

Price: Free

CEO: Dasol

Company Name: Water com.

Slogan: Protect Water Cycle

Company Description:

My company is ‘Water com.’, trying to solve an important issue. The issue is The Importance Of Water Cycle. It means that the water cycle is in danger and we have to notice and take care of it.

Product: Presentation

Price: Free

CEO: Galen

Company Name: Awaresters

Slogan: Helful Moray Eel Awarness Posters

Company Description:

Product: Poster about moray eels.

Price: Free

CEO: Raffa & Raheem

Company Name: Climate Changer

Slogan: We can’t save the Earth, without saving the Climate.

Company Description:

We at Climate Changer’s are fixing a huge problem. This is the cause of climate change, which has ravaged the globe for the past centuries or 2, this has been caused by fire’s, factories, and many more. We are attempting to spread the message to save the globe before it is engulfed in a poison gas around the world. So we are trying to solve this issue the best we can.

Product: Website

Price: Free

CEO: Priyanka

Company Name: Dignity in Health

Slogan: Your Health Matters!

Company Description:

Spreading awareness on mental health learning what it is and how to prevent it.

Product: Presentation/video about mental health and has a sort of one on one with me and my audience about mental health or about their mental health state.

Presentation starts at 10.45 at this Link

This session is only suitable for Year 3 and above

Presentation Link

Price: Free

CEO: Prama

Company Name: Prama xyz studios

Slogan: I Woof You!

Company Description:

I am Prama xyz studios, I am here to spread awareness about how pets affect people’s mental health. The issue of my topic is that many people have been experiencing mental health problems. I am going to spread awareness by showing an animation about why pets affect people’s mental health.

Product: Animation

Link to Animation

Price: Free