Global Jaya School



Introduction by Global Jaya's PYP Coordinator

We are delighted to share our four-week journey in which students apply their skills and knowledge from the previous years within PYP. This year, our PYPX is outside the POI where students were involved in a self-initiated inquiry that has local and global significance. We hope that through this journey, we are able to become life long learners where we continuously learn, reflect, and act in meaningful ways.

Windy Hartono

PYP Coordinator

Virtual Opening Ceremony

As the main performance for the PYPX Exhibition opening ceremony video, the Year 6 students will show their creativity in composing the musical performance by combining the music they practiced in the Music lessons with the PE lessons' creative movements. They recorded themselves and worked collaboratively to make the performance video in the Visual Art lessons. The performance delivers their ideas and feeling about living and studying during the pandemic. This performance is a result of a collaboration between the Visual Arts, Music, and PE department.

The Primary Leadership

Head of School

Pak Cory

Primary Principal

Ibu Dewi

Primary Principal

Ibu Elena