Book Trailer & Book Talk Submission Guidelines

Book Trailer

Each book trailer = 2 hours of volunteer time

Read a book that was particularly awesome and you're just dying to tell everyone you know about it? Create a book trailer! Get creative, show off your audio/video editing skills, and, most importantly, let everyone know about the amazing book you just read. Like movie trailers, book trailers are meant to get people excited about and interested in the highlighted book. Use this opportunity to share your love and enthusiasm for a book by recommending it to others in this unique way.

Book trailers can include images, animation, music, and text of voice-overs. All book trailers should include original content that you've created yourself or materials that are free to use under Creative Commons licensing. Please do not use inappropriate language or images.

Do not plagiarize or use copyrighted materials that you do not have permissions for. You can use to locate images, audio, and video clips that are okay to use in your book trailer. Be sure to check whether attribution is required. If you need help with navigating all of this, feel free to contact our Teen & Technology Librarian, Kristen, at and she will show you how to determine whether the file is okay to use or not.

Book trailers should be approximately 1 - 2 minutes in length.

Book Talk

Each book talk = 2 hours of volunteer time

Video creation/editing not your cup of tea? Submit a book talk instead! Similar to the book trailer, the goal of a book talk is to share your thoughts on a super awesome book that you love and think other people will love, too.

This audio recording should be original and thoughtful, and touch on some or all of the following points:

  • Title, author, and genre (fiction or nonfiction; type such as fantasy, science fiction, realistic, graphic novel, etc.)

  • Brief summary of the book. No spoilers!

  • Share your own thoughts, impressions, opinions of the book. Tell us why you liked or hated it. Tell us about how it made you feel. Did you identify strongly with any of the characters? How? Did this book change the way you think or feel about something?

  • Is there anything else you'd like to say about the book? Did it have an awesome cover? Was there artwork that really added or took away from the overall experience of reading the book? Anything at all! Get creative!

  • Would you recommend this book? Why or why not?

  • How would you rate this book?

    • 1 star - Terrible! - one of the worst books I've ever read

    • 2 stars - Meh - it was okay, but could use a lot of improvement

    • 3 stars - Good - it was entertaining, but didn't blow me away

    • 4 stars - Great - better than most books I've read

    • 5 stars - Amazing! - one of the best books I've ever read

Book talks should be a minimum of 5 minutes. Please refrain from using inappropriate language. Submissions may be reviewed or edited for content.

Don't like the idea of doing a solo book talk? Grab a friend and make it more of a conversation (you'll both get the volunteer hours, of course)!