Book Review Submission Guidelines

Each book review = 1 hour of volunteer time

In order to successfully earn volunteer hours for your book reviews, all submissions must follow the following guidelines.

Book reviews should be original and thoughtful. Include the following information in your review:

  • Title, author, number of pages, and genre (fiction or nonfiction; such as fantasy, science fiction, realistic, graphic novel, etc.)

  • Brief summary of the book, about 1-3 sentences. No spoilers!

  • Your own thoughts, impressions, opinions of the book should make up the bulk of the review, about 300-500 words. Tell us why you liked or hated a book. Tell us about how it made you feel. Did you identify strongly with any of the characters? How? Did this book change the way you think or feel about something?

  • Is there anything else you'd like to say about the book? Did it have an awesome cover? Was there artwork that really added or took away from the overall experience of reading the book? Anything at all!

  • Would you recommend this book? Why or why not?

  • How would you rate this book?

    • 1 star - Terrible! - one of the worst books I've ever read

    • 2 stars - Meh - it was okay, but could use a lot of improvement

    • 3 stars - Good - it was entertaining, but didn't blow me away

    • 4 stars - Great - better than most books I've read

    • 5 stars - Amazing! - one of the best books I've ever read

Book reviews should be about 300-500 words and should be your own original thoughts. Spelling and grammar count! Please refrain from using inappropriate language. Reviews may be edited for content.

BONUS: Earn an extra 30 minutes of volunteer time if you include a specially curated song playlist inspired by the book you've reviewed. This can be a just a written list at the end of the review, a Spotify playlist, etc. Should include a minimum of 10 songs.

EXTRA BONUS: Earn an additional 30 minutes of volunteer time if you (thoughtfully) tell us WHY you chose each song for this playlist.

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