Blog Post Submission Guidelines

Each submission =1 hour of volunteer time

Some ideas for blog posts (originality & creativity encouraged!):

  • Do you have something other than books that you'd like to review or recommend to other teens? Watched a really awesome movie or TV series? Discovered some great new music? You can share all of that in a blog post that will be published on our Glen Rock Library Teens blog. Each post should be thoughtful and contain original content.

  • Know of a great app that aids in reading, tracking books you've read, that supports learning/studying, or anything along those lines? Share your review of the app and why you are recommending it to other teens. How has it helped you? Etc.

  • Submit a piece of personal writing. Tell us what your experience has been over the past few months during quarantine. What is a typical day in your life right now? What's the weirdest thing that's happened? What's the most positive thing that's happened? What have you missed the most? What are your predictions for the future? This can be quarantine-related or not. Up to you!

All submissions should be approximately 300 words. Include graphics and links if applicable and cite any outside sources you may have referenced. Limit to 1 blog post submission per day. Please refrain from using inappropriate language. All submissions may be reviewed or edited for content.