Grading Policy

Each activity will be assigned a value.

Artwork production days are important and may be worth anywhere from 2-20pts, depending on the activity.  Make sure you pay attention to the daily activity value and hand your work in on time.  Evidence of class work is due within the day it is posted on Google classroom.   If you are absent you will need to make up the daily activity within a reasonable amount of time from when you return.  Individual discussions will occur for clarification.

Art projects will be worth the most points: varying between 25-100 pts. A rubric will be provided and reviewed for each project. Unless absent the day artwork is due, it will be a deduction of 3 pts. per day.  Resubmission of an art project for grade improvement is allowed and encouraged.  You will have 5 days from the day your artwork grade is provided for you to do so. (Late point deductions can not be earned back with resubmissions)