Membership & Dues
2024 - 2025 Dues
For the 2024-2025 school year, dues are $44.05 per pay period for twenty paychecks. Be sure to check your pay stubs to ensure the correct deduction is being made.
For part-time dues amounts or other questions, please contact Treasurer Jennifer Shaknaitis.
The GEA is committed to both transparency and fiscal responsibility of your dues dollars. Want to see what your dues dollars do? Click on our annual budget presentation below.
The GEA, CEA, and NEA budgets determine your dues on annual basis. The total cost of dues is divided over all eligible educators so it is important that everyone joins the union.
Membership Card / Number
Your membership number can be used to register for events, receive discounts, access resources, and more! Don't know it? You can find your membership number by:
Referencing your physical membership card, devlivered annually to your school address
Checking your registration confirmation email (for new hires after 2023)
Logging in to NEA360 here
Looking on the mailing label of the CEA Advisor mailed to your home, or
Emailing Membership Chair Niko LeFebvre
If the information printed on your CEA/NEA membership card requires correction, please visit to update records with CEA. Contact Membership Chair Niko LeFebvre to update records with GEA.
The membership card is yours to keep , even if changes are required. Unless your name has changed, you will not get another card this year.
Triple Advantage
When you join the Glastonbury Education Association, you are automatically included on three different levels of membership:
Glastonbury Education Association Your most immediate contact for professional support is your local association. GEA leaders, negotiators, and building reps are your coworkers and colleagues at Glastonbury Public Schools. We negotiate the contract and MOUs on behalf of all certified employees, provide representation related to the collective bargaining agreement, and communicate with building and district administrators.
Connecticut Education Association Through the UniServ and Legal departments, the CEA provides major contracual and legal guidance to approximately 160 local associations and their 43,000 members across Connecticut. At the state level, CEA advances the cause of public education by lobbying to improve the pay, benefits, working conditions, and respect for educators.
National Education Association The National Education Association is the largest union in the world. As such, the NEA works at the federal level to advance justice and excellence in public education for its over 3 million public school employees - including teachers, paras, administrators, bus drivers, nurses, cafeteria workers, professors, and more. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.
We, the members of the National Education Association of the United States, are the voice of education professionals. Our work is fundamental to the nation, and we accept the profound trust placed in us.