Miss Haupert 

My name is Miss Haupert and I am so excited to start the this new school year with you! This will be my 2nd year at Gilbert, and 6th overall. I went to Wartburg College, but might wear some Simpson college gear to support my younger brother! 

I teach reading/ writing, and social studies. These happen to be my favorite subjects because you get to learn so much and get to challenge yourself! You can also discover a lot of new things that you may not have known you liked before! 

When I am not teaching, I love to line judge for volleyball, watch any and pretty much all sports, and cheer on the Cyclones and Buffalo Bills. I also enjoy reading, biking, playing basketball and hanging out with my friends and family.

Class of 2022-2023 Mission Statement

Homeroom's Daily Schedule:

8:00-8:20- Morning Meeting- Leader in Me

8:25-9:20- Reading/Lang. Arts/Social Studies (part 1)

9:25-10:15- Specials

10:20-11:20- Reading/Lang. Arts/Social Studies (part 2)

11:25-11:50- Tiger Time

11:55-12:40- Lunch/Recess

12:45-2:40- Math/Science

2:45-3:00- Recess

3:05- Dismissal

Specials Schedule:

Day 1- P.E.

Day 2- Library/Guidance

Day 3- Art

Day 4- Music

Day 5- Tech Lab