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1Haraguchi R*, Yamada G, Murashima A, Matsumaru D, Kitazawa R, Kitazawa S, New Insights into Development of Female Reproductive Tract—Hedgehog-Signal Response in Wolffian Tissues Directly Contributes to Uterus Development. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 1211 (2021).

2日向泰樹、中井秀郎、中村繁、林祐太郎、水野健太郎、松丸大輔、村嶋亜紀、鈴木堅太郎、山田源. 腎尿路生殖器の発生学4 膀胱と尿道の発生. 小児泌尿器科学, 診断と治療社; ISBN978-4787824226.


3藤本幸太、松丸大輔、村嶋亜紀、水野健太郎、林祐太郎、鈴木堅太郎、山田源. 腎尿路生殖器の発生学7 生殖器の発生(外生殖器の発生). 小児泌尿器科学, 診断と治療社; ISBN978-4787824226.

4)Li  Y, Ma H, Chen R, Zhang  H, Nakanishi T, Hu J*, Maternal transfer of 2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate leads to developmental toxicity possibly by blocking the retinoic acid receptor and retinoic X receptor in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Environ. Sci. Technol. 55, 5056–5064 (2021).

5)Capitão AMF, Lopes-Marques MS, Páscoa I, Sainath SB, Hiromori Y, Matsumaru D, Nakanishi T, Ruivo R, Santos MM*, Castro LFC*, An ancestral nuclear receptor couple, PPAR-RXR, is exploited by organotins. Sci. Total Environ. 797, 149044 (2021).

6)Onoki T, Izumi Y, Takahashi M, Murakami S, Matsumaru D, Ohta N, Wati SM, Hatanaka N, Katsuoka F, Okutsu M, Yabe Y, Hagiwara Y, Kanzaki M, Bamba T, Itoi E, Motohashi H*, Skeletal muscle-specific Keap1 disruption modulates fatty acid utilization and enhances exercise capacity in female mice. Redox Biol. 43, 101966 (2021).

7Dungkokkruad P, Tomita S, Hiromori Y, Ishida K, Matsumaru D, Mekada K, Nagase H, Tanaka K, Nakanishi T*, Alginate-coated activated charcoal enhances fecal excretion of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in mice, with fewer side effects than uncoated one. J. Toxicol. Sci. 46, 379–389 (2021)

8Ma H, Ishida K,  Xu C, Takahashi K, Li Y, Zhang C,  Kang Q, Jia Y, Hu W, Matsumaru D, Nakanishi T, Hu J*, Triphenyl phosphate delayed pubertal timing and induced decline of ovarian reserve in mice as an estrogen receptor antagonist. Environ. Pollut. 290. 118096 (2021)

9Matsumaru D, Motohashi H*, The KEAP1-NRF2 system in healthy aging and longevity (Review). Antioxidants 10, 1929 (2021). 

10)Shiraishi E, Ishida K, Matsumaru D, Ido A, Hiromori Y, Nagase H, Nakanishi T*, Evaluation of the skin-sensitizing potential of Brazilian green propolis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 13538 (2021). 


1) Matsumaru D, Motohashi H*, From germ cells to neonates: the beginning of life and the KEAP1-NRF2 system. J. Biochem. 167, 133–138 (2020).

2) Uruno A, Matsumaru D, Ryoke R, Saito R, Kadoguchi S, Saigusa D, Saito T, Saido TC, Kawashima R, Yamamoto M*, Nrf2 suppresses oxidative stress and inflammation in app knock-in Alzheimer’s disease model mice. Mol. Cell. Biol. 40, e00467-19 (2020). 

3) Yoshida I, Ishida K, Yoshikawa H, Kitamura S, Hiromori Y, Nishioka Y, Ido A, Kimura T, Nishikawa JI, Hu J, Nagase H, Nakanishi T*, In vivo profiling of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-induced estrogenic/anti-estrogenic effects in female estrogen-responsive reporter transgenic mice. J. Hazard. Mater. 385, 121526 (2020).  

4) Ogushi S, Ikemoto S, Miura N, Nakanishi T, Kimura T*, Cadmium inhibits all-trans-retinoic acid-induced increase of nitroblue tetrazolium reduction activity and induces metallothionein 1G expression in human acute myelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. BPB Rep. 3, 34–38 (2020).

5) Yamamoto  K, Hiromori Y, Matsumaru D, Ishii Y, Takeshita Y, Tsubakihara I, Kimura T, Nagase H, Nakanishi T*, Tri-substituted organotin compounds, but not retinoic acid, are potent ligands of complement component 8γ . J. Toxicol. Sci. 45, 581587 (2020).

6) Ogushi S, Yoshida Y, Nakanishi T, Kimura T*, CpG site–specific regulation of metallothionein-1 gene expression. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 5946 (2020).

7)Wati SM, Matsumaru D, Motohashi H*. NRF2 pathway activation by KEAP1 inhibition attenuates the manifestation of aging phenotypes in salivary glands. Redox Biol. 36, 101603 (2020).

8)Yamada Y*, Trakanant S, Nihara J, Kudo T, Seo K, Saeki M, Kurose M, Matsumaru D, Maeda T, Ohazama A*. Gli3 is a Key Factor in the Schwann Cells from Both Intact and Injured Peripheral Nerves. Neuroscience. 432, 229­-239 (2020).

9Hyuga T, Hashimoto D, Matsumaru D, Kumegawa S, Asamura S, Suzuki K, Katayama KI, Nakamura S, Nakai H, Yamada G*. Evaluation of surgical procedures of mouse urethra by visualization and the formation of fistula. Sci. Rep. 10, 18251 (2020).

10Okazaki K, Anzawa H, Liu Z, Ota N, Kitamura H, Onodera Y, Alam MM, Matsumaru D, Suzuki T, Katsuoka F, Tadaka S, Motoike I, Watanabe M, Hayasaka K, Sakurada A, Okada Y, Yamamoto M, Suzuki T, Kinoshita K, Sekine H*, Motohashi H*. Enhancer remodeling promotes tumor-initiating activity in NRF2-activated non-small cell lung cancers. Nat. Commun. 11, 5911 (2020).

11)Oishi T, Matsumaru D, Ota N, Kitamura H, Zhang T, Honkura Y, Katori Y, Motohashi H*, Activation of the NRF2 pathway in Keap1-knockdown mice attenuates progression of age-related hearing loss. NPJ. Aging. Mech. Dis. 6, 14 (2020).