
  • April 27-May 1

Covid 1-4.pdf

April 27-Monday

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a fabulous break. Now how many of you are looking forward to being into routine again? Let’s start with our Covid 19 Memory Book. Complete the cover as neatly as you can as this book is one you can keep forever. Museums have been asking people for their documentation and experiences during this historic time. We are making history in a way the world has never been able to. After, you could donate your booklet to a museum or keep it for your children to read.

Start by adding some pictures (page 2) to the booklet, these may be photos or pictures you have drawn. Then read the direction of page 3, ‘Breaking News’ and answer the questions. Page 4 is optional - if you can find some articles from The Drumheller Mail or on-line news reports you could add them here.

covid day 2.pdf

April 28-Tuesday

Let’s keep working on your Covid book. Page 5 summarizes things that are going on in our town right now. You could have a discussion with Mum and Dad about some of these things when you complete the sections of ‘The World Is Going Crazy’. On page 6 draw a picture of your family and pets, if you have any, that you are seeing everyday as we cannot get together with ours right now.

Pros and cons are a short way to say good and bad things. Using point form on page 7, list some good and bad things about being alone at home or away from others. Then using words or pictures complete page 8 with ways to stay active and not get bored.

Page 9 and page 12/13 give your reader a sense of what is going on over time outside your window and inside your heart. Complete one section of page 9 after looking out your window and then read page 12 and complete one section of page 13 telling how you feel.

Covid day 3.pdf

April 29-Wednesday

Let’s keep working on our Covid 19 booklet. Complete page 10 with how it feels to be doing this at home! We’re safe right now and there are a lot of people helping to keep us this way outside of our home. Think of all the people who are still working so we have food to eat, a place for people to go if they get sick, people who keep our community safe: like firefighters and police. Then draw some of these people in the boxes on page 11. Look out your window and complete another section on page 9. Reflect on how you’re feeling - can you fill in some more emotions and draw one for today?

Mouse part 1.pdf

April 30-Thursday

First, look out your window (or what did it look like at a different time of day) and complete another section on page 9 of your Covid 19 Booklet. Reflect on how you’re feeling - can you fill in some more emotions and draw one for today? If this is the same, you could save for another time.

Read The Country Mouse and The City Mouse. You may recognize the story as it is a folktale. These stories have been around a long time and were originally told by word of mouth. There are many different versions so read this one carefully so you can answer questions after. Remember the strategy we use in class - you can read the questions first! Then you can highlight the answers as you find them. After reading, answer the questions! While the story is fresh in your mind, complete the sequencing page. Cut them out, move them around, read them to make sure it makes sense and then number with pencil BEFORE gluing them in order!

Mouse 2.pdf

May 1-Friday

Reread the story The Country Mouse and The City Mouse using expression to make it more interesting for the listener. Now you know the words, NO ROBOT reading! Let’s do some words in context next. Complete the page matching the words to their definitions. Then think about the sounds you hear in words and do ‘Missing Sounds’ along with the ‘2 Sounds of C’. You may need to refer back to the story if you cannot remember who said what to complete the last page ‘Who Said It?’.