
  • May 26-29

Vertebrates and Invertebrates

May 26-Tuesday

I hope you enjoyed your weekend and now you’re ready for more learning! Let's think about how we sorted the animals in our food chain. Carnivores, herbivores or omnivores were one way. Then we sorted if the animals were producers, consumers or decomposers. Today we are going to learn another way to sort animals. Vertebrates and invertebrates. Do you know what that means? Sit tall and stretch your back up the sky, place your hands on your hips and look back, opening your heart - don’t go too far, you don’t want to hurt yourself. . Now round your back and bring your chin into your chest feel like everything is crunching into your belly button. (yes - if you do yoga you may remember this). You are doing cat and cow pose. These animals have around 50 vertebrae while humans have 33 vertebrae. What does that mean you ask? Well watch these video clips because we can also classify animals using the attribute of vertebrae and no vertebrate.

Vertebrates and Invertebrates.pdf

Now look at the sheet and see if you can classify the animals by cutting the pictures out and placing them in the correct column.

May 27-Wednesday

What is sequencing? If you remember it is putting the events of a story in the order that they happened you are correct! The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a book by Eric Carle. Do you have it at home? If so you could read it or else watch this video to refresh your mind with the key events of the story.

Caterpillar sequencing

Now using the sheet, cut out the events and put them into the correct order. Even though the directions tell you to do it with a partner you are going to have to do it by yourself. Remember to put them in order on a table, read to check and verify once you have them in order. Write the ordinal number (1st, 2nd, etc) on them before you glue them on the back of the caterpillar sheet. Then if you like, you could colour the caterpillar.

Do you think this story could really happen? Why or why not? Answer this on the bottom or back of the page?

Insect abcs

Now using your abc’s complete the insect sheet. Print the insect names in alphabetical order on the sheet. After, put a check mark beside the insects that you can find around Drumheller.

Safe from Predators Assignment

May 28-Thursday

Read the ways animals can stay safe from predators on the pages below. As you read, think of other animals that may use some of the ways to stay safe. Then complete the assignment for today. You could search the topic in Epic, books at home, ask an expert you know or look on the internet for some ways animals stay safe. Share any other ways you find.

Staying safe from Predators
Staying safe from predators pg 3
Staying safe from predators pg2
Staying safe from predators pg4
Adopt This Hamster

May 29-Friday

Did you know the SPCA is full of animals that need good homes? Now that you know all about the needs of animals you could provide a good home. Today’s assignment is to think about the needs of this hamster who needs a good home. Draw and label what you would include to make sure he stays safe and healthy. (remember a cage would provide…...don’t forget to label it)

Then write about taking care of the hamster (parents if your child doesn’t want a hamster they can write about any animal as long as it includes all the needs that should be in their habitat).