
  • June 1-5

builder picture

Please submit all of this week's work by email or drop off at the school.

June 1-Monday

Look at the picture and think about what could be happening

We’re going to write a story for the picture using all the tools we have learned. Take a look at the brainstorming sheets from the grade 2A and 2B meetings. You may find inspiration from either one. First - start with a great beginning. Remember this catches the reader’s imagination. What techniques can you use?

Brainstorm builder story

2A Brainstorming Ideas

2B story ideas.pdf

2B Brainstorming Ideas

June 2-Tuesday

Now it is time to write your story. Parents, your child should write for only 30 to 45 minutes. Be kind to yourself, let them know they have a time limit. You can use your judgement if they should have more or reschedule for another day. If you want to use incentives - feel free. At school Mrs. C. suggests that letting students chew sugarless gum as long as they’re writing. It involves another part of their anatomy and engages the brain (it's a novelty at school, at home maybe not so much). Anything that works for you! If you like, set their writing aside and they could reread and add/change tomorrow if you like.

Please send a picture or drop off at the school when they’re done. Don't forget to include their planning sheet!

2A planning page

2A story plan

2B completed planning sheet.pdf

2B story plan

story chart.pdf

Blank story plan from 2A.pdf

describing words builder picture

Use these tips/words/ideas when writing your story.

writing paper.pdf

Writing Paper-skip lines

June 3 LA

June 3-Wednesday

Read and understand activities. First, read Name Day and answer the questions. Today we are more interested in what you can recall and infer from the story so you do not need to answer in complete sentences.

June 4 LA

June 4-Thursday

Read aloud the story Name Day again, this time adding expression to your reading. Finish the sequencing and vocabulary activities for.Name Day. If you don’t remember the story you could read it again.

June 5 LA

June 5-Friday

Then complete pages 58 and 59 on adding ‘ed’ and family celebrations. We did a previous exercise on the ‘ed’ ending. Remember that it can sound like /d/ or /t/ at the end but it is always spelled ‘ed’. The last page is an opportunity to retell about a family celebration. We talked about this in class so share using your best writing and illustrating.