the Peters 4-6 Virtual Library

Welcome to the Peters 4-6 Virtual Library. It is the goal of this spectacular website to gather together all the resources you need to keep reading when access to libraries is limited. That's me, your awesome librarian, sitting on the stack of books. I'll tell you the best places to find books and explain the difference between fiction, non-fiction, and tell you all about poetry for good measure. I'll explain how libraries work (even though you can't currently go in them) and let a famous author tell you all about the process of how books are made. Listening to others read aloud is always a good time and I'll let you take your pick between celebrities and me (though I'm famous in my own right). I'll feature a different author every month and give you the links to really fun author and series websites. Most importantly, though, I'll keep fostering your love of reading and update this website throughout the year.

SORA by Overdrive

Good news! GGUSD and Peters 4-6 have partnered with Overdrive so you can check out e-books without a library card. Just click on the button on the left to connect with our collection. Log-in using the same information as your email and click on "My School is Garden Grove Unified School District". You now have access to books that you can read directly on your computer and can even send them to a kindle. You can also have your parent or guardian download the SORA app so you can read on tablets and phones.

A few important notes...

  • Most books are limited to only 26 checkouts total before the school has to buy access to the book again. Only borrow a book if you really want to read it.

  • Please limit yourself to one checkout at a time and be sure to finish your book within the 2 week time period. Your book will automatically be returned unless you renew it. You may renew your book, but keep in mind that a renewal will also be considered another checkout against our total.

  • You can return a book before the 2 weeks are up if you finish a book early. Follow the instructions on the webpage or app so you can check out a new title.

  • You can also connect to the Orange County Public Library system if you already have a library card. Click on "add a library" and search for the appropriate one. Make sure you add the library system from California. There are a lot of states that also have Orange Counties in the US. You will need to enter your library card number before you are able to check out public library books.

Please watch the video for an overview for all that you can do with SORA. Happy Reading!

Accelerated Reader