Summer Assignment

Summer Reading Assignment:

Congratulations. You have decided to push yourself and take AP Language and Composition. Below you will see the MANDATORY summer reading assignment:

  • Book: The Elements of Style, 4th edition or later William Strunk and E.B. White

Directions: You need to obtain a copy of the book; the best way is to find a used copy on the Internet ( or have dozens of copies for dirt cheap.). I would also suggest your local library or getting a copy from last year's AP students.

Read the book and outline all chapters with the exception of "Misused Words and Expressions" and "Glossary." Use headings, indentation, bullet points, etc. to make your outline reader friendly. Note: You are still responsible for reading ALL parts of the book.

Hand write this outline and bring it to school, along with the book, on the first day of school.

There is a 50-question exam that goes along with this book.

Do not copy another student's work.