Google's digital whiteboard that features many of the G-Suite's collaborative and sharing tools. 

Jamboard can be used on any device with all students. They are created the same way any G-Suite product is created and shared. 

Purpose and Practice


Jamboard offers teachers a digital whiteboard for students within the GGUSD domain using both Chromebooks and iPads. Its versatility makes it easy for teachers to get all students on at the same time for visual thinking and collaborating. 

With Jamboard, you can:

Practice (Look Fors)

Jamboards can be used for real time collaboration. Once teachers have created the space, students can join the Jamboard by going to a link shared by the teacher. While in this space, students can contribute to a shared space. They can either work on one slide together or split up can move around between the different slides on a Jamboard. 

Jamboards can also be exported as an image to save student work. 


Intro to Jamboard-11-10-22.pdf


Lesson Examples


Vendor Supplied Example