Discovery Education

A digital learning platform that provides teachers with supplemental content for lessons, extra support, and enrichment activities.  This platform includes ready to use images, videos, and slide decks with a variety of ways to share that content with students to support learning. 

This platform is only available to teachers after a site purchase. 

Purpose and Practice


Discovery Education provides a wealth of resources for teachers and students. As a content repository, Discovery Education provides teachers with images and videos on a variety of topics. The platform also includes a variety of classroom resources, like curated slide decks and choice boards around topics to supplement lessons/topics. 

Discovery Education also has a repository of instructional strategies that are modeled in their platform and then partnered with their curated content. 

Practice (Look Fors)

Students can use the platform to explore topics by searching through the database of images and videos. Teachers can also curate resources to share with students through classroom slide decks or through assigning in the Discovery Education platform. 


Discovery Education Classroom.mp4

Creating a Classroom

Discovery Education Assignment.mp4

Assign assignments to students

22-23 Discovery Ed Coding - Heritage Tri 1

Coding in Discovery Education (additional paid license required)

Formative Assessments in Discovery Education

Formative Assessments

Create quizzes based on content within Discovery Education as well as other paper-based strategies that can be used with Discovery Ed content. 

Lesson Examples

Vendor Supplied Example

Parent and Student Resources