Library Rules


1. The college library is open to members of the staff and students from 8.30 a.m to 5. 30 p.m from Monday to Friday; 8.30 a.m to 2.30 p.m on Saturdays. The library will be closed on Sundays and Public Holidays

2. The library provides open shelf facilities.

3. Books are issued strictly in order of application. it is left to the discretion of the librarian not to issue certain books when circumstances warrant it.

4. In order to make use of the library, students are required to produce their identity cards / library cards with their photographs firmly attached to it.

5. No book or periodicals may be removed from the library unless the loan has been registered at the issuing counter.

6. library books are divided into the following categories :

(a) Reference books: these include an encyclopedia, dictionaries, atlases, multi-volumes, art books etc. which cannot be borrowed.

(b) Temporary overnight reference books: usually one copy of every title is kept in demand for use in the library each day, at least until noon and then the borrower may take the book overnight, returning it by 9.00 a.m the next morning.

(c) Non-fiction books: books not in current demand may be taken for two days, three days, and one week to two weeks. Senior college and post-graduate students can borrow two books and junior college students can borrow one book.

(d) Periodicals, files and projects are to be used only in the library.

7. Students must, on receiving a book, examine it, and report to the clerk any damage found therein. If they fail to do so, they will be responsible for any damaged that may be detected later.

8. Books lost, damaged or defaced must be paid for by the reader on whose name they were issued. They value of the books will be assessed by the librarian.

9. In ordinary times, the fine for overdue books is Rs. 2/- for every class day, holiday and Sunday. In the case of the reserved books returned late, the penalty is not only a fine but loss of library privileges for three days. During examination time (beginning one week before the scheduled examinations) even unreserved books become reserved books and the fine is Rs. 5/- per day.

10. Ex-students of the college can become members of the library. No books are allowed for the home issue, but they can do reference in the library only. Xeroxing is permitted.

11. Silence is to be maintained in and around the reading room areas of the library.

12. Students are requested not to upset the order of arrangement of books in the cupboards.

13. Smoking, eating and chewing gum in the library are not permitted.