Events and Activities for all the family

Summer Fun 

We will be open on Wednesday 24th July for Service families to come along and have some fun.

Come along from 1030-1300.

We look forward to seeing you and your family.

Service Community Youth Club

Looking for something for your young person (secondary school age) to do of an evening? 

Service Community Youth Club is for our local Service children to have a place to meet up, chat, play, mix, chill and make new friends. 

The club will run from 4.30pm-6.30pm please check dates on the poster.

Emergency contact information needs to be recorded before we can allow entry. Please Click Here to fill out the form

Pictures from the Youth Club 

Free Yoga session (Adults Only)

We have booked a number of sessions with Lisa Maniatis, these sessions will be for adults.

Ever fancied trying out Yoga? Are you and or your partner looking for some time to relax and chill out. Have some time for you. 

Due to funding from the RNRMC we have a free Adult Yoga session on offer for you on 14th  July 2024.

The session is from 10-11.30 at The Gosport Community Hub on the Brune Park site. 

If you would like the chance to experience a free yoga session ran by Lisa Maniatis please fill in this booking request form.

 For more information on Lisa's yoga please look here

Spaces are limited therefore you will receive an email to confirm you have a place. 

You can park outside the Hub on Military Road or the school car park will be open. Drive into the school car park and turn left and follow the car park to what looks like an overflow car park. You will see the Hub.


Summer family Swim

Please click the link if you would like to come along for a free family Swim session at Brune Park School On Thursday 25th July from 10-11.30

Welcome Wednesday


Are you a local Service family?

       New parent? Pregnant? Have a little one? Or are you a grandparent? 

Looking for something to do on a Wednesday Morning, pop along and have some fun, play and learning together.

Gosport Community Hub 

Military Road 


NFF Monthly drop in sessions

Natalie from Naval Families Federation will have her drop in sessions on Wednesday Mornings once a month, here at the Gosport Community Hub, If you have any questions or need any advice

Naval Families Federation help by providing support, driving change and championing RN and RM serving families as they navigate both serving and civilian life challenges.   The  dates Natalie is here are 

24th April

22nd May,

19th June,

17th July,

25th September,

23rd October,

27th November,

18th December.


Military families Community Kitchen 

Once a month we run a Military families Community Kitchen where our families can book a place to attend our cooking evening. 

The Evening is ran by Claire Rutherford our Service Children and Families Coordinator we learn to cook together have fun share experiences meet other Military families and build friendships.

Please find the booking forms on our Facebook page to come along. 

Click here to join the page.

Past events 

Half term Family Swim (Easter half term)

We held a Service family free swim session in the schools Easter holidays this year. It was wonderful to see so many local service families enjoying some quality family time.  

Easter Holiday Family Swim 

Easter Fun 

Come along and have some Easter Fun, join in with the Easter egg hunt, have a go on the tombola and even make a easter crown. 

Fun free session.

Christmas Craft drop in 

December 18th 2023 

Family Quiz night

Book your family Quiz team in to come along for a Family quiz to celebrate King Charles III Coronation on Friday 5th May. 5pm- 7.30pm

Booking is essential please call 02392 616017 or click the link HERE You will receve an  email confirming your place.

Military Families Easter Event

We are happy to welcome our Local Military Families to the Gosport Community Hub on Thursday 30th March. 1600-18-30 for easter fun, Activites, Easter egg hunt, Easter Hat competition, Tombolas, Biscuit decorating and more.

We will have refreshments for sale, and a chance to win some prizes, payment will be cash only for stalls and refreshments. 

Come along bring the family and have some fun. 

February Half Term

Over the February Half term we opened the Hub for our Military families.