Military Community

Links for all Military services available to you.

Royal Navy

Click here to take you to the Royal Navy page where you can find lots of information and support.

With a family member in the Naval Service, families and friends can experience unique pressures, situations and circumstances. Concerns are natural and everyone goes through them – even the families of long-serving personnel. For more information or support click on the link above.

A world in which our sailors, marines, and their families are valued and supported, for life.

Serving in the Royal Navy or Royal Marines represents an enduring commitment to protecting our island nation. This commitment is not without sacrifice. Those who serve can find themselves in a uniquely difficult and dangerous environment facing extended periods of time separated from loved ones, often with very little opportunity for communication.

To contact us call 023 9387 1520 or email

Royal Air Force

Click here to take you to The Royal Air Force families Federation page.

The Royal Air Force Families Federation are there to support and improve quality of life for the RAF family around the world – at work or at home.  This could include resolving problems with access to education or healthcare, for children and young people; sorting out problems with accommodation, benefits, and visas; helping military spouses find meaningful employment. Additionally we support you in addressing issues that can arise when you live in one place, such as access to bases, repeated separations as a family, and finding the right help and advice. 


Click here to take you to the Army life family support page.


Click here to take you to SAFFA the armed forces charity 

Wraparound Childcare

Wrap Around Child Care 

Following positive feedback and a successful pilot, the MOD announced that the Wraparound Childcare (WAC) scheme will be rolled out across the UK. The NFF have posted a FAQ on their website to help answer some of your questions 

Connected Forces

Use the code above and sign up for the reading force, stay connected with your loved ones.