Religious Education

Religious Education

What will you be studying?

During Year 10, pupils study two papers; Judaism and philosophy and ethics. Students examine Judaism as a living tradition, understanding the foundations of certain beliefs and practices, as well as the impact they have on the faith today.

The second paper in Year 10 is divided into two sections; arguments for the existence of God and religious teachings on relationships and families.

Students will explore a range of philosophical arguments and responses to the challenges of religious experience. Students will then examine issues surrounding family and relationships and the response of the Catholic Church to such issues. 

In Year 11, they will explore the Catholic community today by engaging with the second module, Catholic Christianity in the community.

This unit aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of our school faith community, as well as to encourage questions about their own spiritual journeys.

Religion runs deep in many aspects of modern society, without us even realising: Politics, war, ethics, science and of course, our personal faith journeys all demand a consideration of religion.

This varied programme teaches students to describe, evaluate, compare and analyse different ideas and themes across these areas.

Students will be able to debate, develop and articulate their own points of view, understand and describe Christian perspectives with clarity, as well as be introduced to differing world views.

The exam modules are broken down as follows:

This course follows the AQA specification.