Preparing for your audition

How to prepare for your audition

Now that you have chosen your character, here are some guidelines and expectations of auditions:

  • You are expected to audition without your script. This demonstrates how dedicated and committed a castmate you are willing to be, should you be selected for the cast.
  • All lines for the selected character should be memorized. Please find your audition script here: Audition Material
  • Please also familiarize yourself with the lines of the other characters as you will need to know your cues/when to say your lines.
  • Please follow the stage directions which are indicated on the audition scripts. These are the italic parts (in brackets) that describe the actions of the character.
  • Each audition will last 5 minutes.
  • All auditionees are required to sing a song as part of their audition. The non-singing characters should also sing as part of their audition (all singing and non-singing character descriptions are listed under 'Character Breakdown') as they may be part of the ensemble when they are not performing on stage.

You are required to sing (without music):

    • A song from Beauty and the Beast Jr. (All songs are listed under 'Performance Tracks'). It is recommended that you choose a song from the musical; ideally the song that your chosen character performs.


    • A song of your choice (without music).

  • Begin preparing for your audition right away! Leave plenty of time for line learning and working on your performance techniques.
  • Work on your vocal expression, facial expression and use your body on stage - try not to stand on one spot!
  • Perform for your friends, family and in front of the mirror as much as possible.