Audition Material/Scripts

Please click on the character of your choice to open the rehearsal script. Printing of rehearsal scripts should be done outside of school.

Narrator Audition Script FULL

Belle Audition Script FULL

Maurice Audition Script FULL

Beast Audition Script FULL

Gaston Audition Script FULL

Lefou Audition Script FULL

Silly Girls Audition Script FULL

Lumiere Audition Script FULL

Cogsworth Audition Script FULL

Mrs. Potts Audition Script FULL

Babette Audition Script FULL

Madame De La Grande Bouche Audition Script FULL

Chip Audition Script FULL

Monsieur D'arque Audition Script FULL

Beggar Woman/Enchantress Audition (no lines)

Note: The pages included are for audition purposes only. These materials may only be used in conjunction with a performance license of an individual show. Any other use is a violation of the copyright law and strictly prohibited.