Audition Information

Who can audition?

Students in Grades 4 - 9


Main Roles: 7th - 11th October (before school, lunch times and after school)

Dancers: 14th – 18th October (before school, lunch times and after school)


Black Box Theater, First Floor

When is the sign-up deadline?

Thursday 27th September at 3pm

How do I sign up for an audition?

By completing: Beauty and the Beast Audition Form

How many auditions can I sign up for?

You can sign up for a maximum of three auditions


Key dates to remember:

  • Audition sign-up deadline: Thursday 27th Sept at 3pm
  • Audition notification by email: By Sunday 30th September at the latest
  • Auditions for main characters: 7th - 11th Oct
  • Auditions for dancers: 14th – 18th Oct
  • Cast announced: Sunday 28th October (after mid-term break)
  • Rehearsals begin: Sunday 4th November (every Sunday)* 3.30-4.15

*Rehearsal schedule will become busier from January to March with rehearsals on twice and three times a week. Full rehearsal schedule will be published by December. We will also have two Friday rehearsals prior to the performances.