Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

Self-assessment Examples


My personal identity is mine and I don't think that other people need to be concerning themselves with it. But for the purpose of this project I will do a little bit of explaining about myself. I like honest people and think that if you mess up you should own it. Also I enjoy being outside and working with my hands. I also like learning new things about things I like doing for example fishing, woodworking and welding, but also things like history, at the moment I am reading a book about the golden age of piracy. I have read other books about history mainly WWII and pirates though.


My personal and cultural identity

To show my personal and cultural identity I've identified a few of my strengths and weaknesses, which helps me grow and improve. Some of my strengths are that I like to think and analyze before determining things. This can help when I get confused with questions or school subjects, this also helps me with plans I make and definitely helps with self-improvement because it helps me make a plan by thinking and doing the best course of action. A weakness I have is that I can get stuck sometimes and can get distracted easily if there is lots of noise. I counteract this by moving or music, and the less noise there is the keener I am to work. These are simple examples of my strengths and weaknesses,

The reason they relate to my goals- 1: the strength I chose will help me with my plan to move to Kamloops because formulating a plan is a big step, and determining what the best course of action is will be an important part.

2: Workplaces can be noisy, not a lot I can do about that, but there are different ways I can counteract the noise, earplugs, for example. My plan revolves around learning a trade, and this trade would allow me to wear hearing protection and therefore make it quieter. Another thing I could do is play music whether it's on a radio or in my ear. It would make it a lot easier for me to concentrate.


About Me

Who am I, this is a question that one may ask themselves now and then. The question may seem simple enough considering you know yourself better than anyone else. Though when trying to answer this question you may find it harder than you thought. You know your name, your birthday, your gender, your family and stuff along the lines of that. Though the question is a bit deeper than who you are legally, but who you think you are personally. Like who do you want to be, what do you want to accomplish, and what do you want people to think of you. I think that you need to know stuff like that about yourself in order to truly answer this question. Who knows, well trying to answer this question you might actually find yourself in the process.

I think In order to answer this question you need to know your history, and how you got to where you are now. So for starters despite living in Clearwater B.C. my whole life I was actually born in Kamloops B.C. since they don't deliver babies in our local hospital. I was raised in a loving and encouraging, Christian family since my mom and dad are both Christian. They taught me not only how to succeed in life, but to thrive to. Saying this though in elementary school I hadn't actually put that much effort into school. I was just an average student with really not much goals in life. It wasn't until grade seven when my grades started to pick up. After that, I have put in all of my effort into success, and have thrived to be able to have a successful life.

What are my dreams and what do I want to accomplish in my lifetime? Well, I have many things that I would like to achieve in my lifetime, but there are a few things that I think are more important than others. One of the most important things that I hope to accomplish is accomplishment itself. I hope that in my future I will be able to achieve great success, no matter what career I choose to proceed. Something else which isn't so much of an accomplishment but more of a want, I want to be able to have a family of my own before my time passes. I also want to go to college or university after I graduate high school for whatever career I chose to proceed. Also one of the more important things that I want to accomplish in my lifetime is to be remembered. For something that I did to make a change in the world, to make it a better place. Even if it is as little as only by a few people, I want to leave my mark.

What makes me who I am, and what do I stand for? Well, I think that I’m different from most, considering I think that being different is a good thing. I think that for someone to be able to succeed in today's society you need to be different. Since if everybody was just a replica of the next person then why would an employer choose you instead of the billions of other options out there? This is one of the things I stand for, and I think it is one of my best qualities, I would say it is one of the things that make me special. Another thing that I think makes me who I am is that I’m actually quite proud of who I am. I find that in order for you truly be proud of yourself you need to be who you are, and not try to be someone your not.

In conclusion I would say that I’m proud and filled with dreams. I'm different than the crowd and I think of this as more of an accomplishment than anything, and I want to have successful and fulfilled life. Speaking of this after my life is over I want to be remembered for something I did to change the fact that Earth isn't as good of a place as it should be. Saying all of this I think that it is very important fact that people know who they are since once you do life will come to you much easier. In final now that i gave my best shot at describing who I am, I don't think that I would change anything about myself even if I could.