Critical Thinking

Self-assessment Examples


A while back I wrote a paper on both points of view on the trophy hunting debate. I personally stand for trophy hunting and believe it should continue but the idea behind the paper was to understand the other side of the argument to have sort of empathy to their opinions.


I can say that I can think critically because I have developed a product to solve a problem. (I built this rod holder/fish finder holder for my kayak so I can have a rod on each side of me on my kayak) I made many drawings for this project, and it took many steps before I got it right because there was a bunch of little problems that kept popping up. I also had to use some technical skills such as; welding, grinding, cutting etc.


Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is about analyzing texts, information, processes, and many other things by focusing on drawing in-depth conclusions through evidence and criteria. Critical thinking also allows you to take a deeper look at different specific points of something and identify what’s wrong as well as how to fix it.

I think I’m competent in most/all of the objectives for both parts of critical thinking, "Investigate and Analyze" and "Develop and Design", .

Things I an do for Investigate and Analyse:

  • I can make up questions or search queries to guide a search on a range of topics, and I can identify a variety of pertinent sources of information for a range of topics

  • I can find valid information on a variety of topics and purposes

  • I can identify the pros and cons of an event and an issue

  • I can analyze a range of issues and events

  • I can assess the credibility and the accuracy of a range of information sources


Novel Study

1984 vs Brave New World

My novel study from English 11 was a literary synthesis essay focused primarily on comparing the totalitarian themes in each book as well as how they're represented. This essay included doing a lot of research and validating sources.
Persuasive writing Final

Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice

My persuasive research essay from English 11 was about the Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice views on abortions. I took a week or so to do extensive research, including reading articles that took input from different medical professionals. I wrote this piece from my opinion/view on it and, while I did provide points from the opposing side, I think that I provided reasonable evidence to justify/explain my opinion.
Student Vote Article

Student Vote Article

The driving question for my student vote article was 'Is the student vote really helping prepare students and what do the results of our school show?'. To answer this I spent a week talking to students that had participated in our school vote, and the teachers that had discussions with their classes about the election. While the interviews provided most of what I needed, there was still a lot of research to be done on the history of political education during secondary school.

IJ's Roller coaster Riot: Pre-Calc 12 Project

A classmate and I worked together to use polynomial functions to create a roller-coaster using notes from our lessons and an online graphing calculator to plot the exact layout and points. After our online roller-coaster was done, we had to create a 3D model.

Things I an do for Investigate and Analyse:

  • I can evaluate a product or a process based on set criteria

  • I can follow a procedure to identify a problem

  • I can create a product and I can create a process for a specific purpose


Big Lab Procedre Write Up

Physics 11 Lab Report: Comparing Insulating Abilities of Water Bottles

Two of my classmates and I chose to compare water bottles for our physics 11 course. Our purpose was to find which of the most popular water bottle brands would keep water coldest the longest