Useful Links

BC's Curriculum - Indigenous education resources: "Indigenous education resources are being developed to support the redesigned K-12 curriculum. The intent of these materials is to help further incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into B.C. classrooms."

BCTF Aboriginal Education: "Together, we are guiding the next generation to a deeper understanding of our shared history, the impact of colonialism and racism, as well as the resilience of Indigenous cultures and communities in Canada." 

First Nations Steering Committee (FNESC): "The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) is a policy and advocacy organization that represents and works on behalf of First Nations in British Columbia. FNESC has a mandate to support First Nations students and advance First Nations education in BC."  

FirstVoices: "FirstVoices is an internationally recognized online platform for Indigenous communities to share and promote their languages, oral cultures and linguistic histories." 

Henry Grube Education Center Library Learning Commons: Search the numerous resources available. If you do not find what you desire do not hesitate to contact the library or our department.

Indigenous Math Resources: Explore the numerous numeracy projects created by educators across British Columbia.

Indigenous Reflections: If you are in search of a resource to Indigenize your learning space check out Indigenous Reflections.

Métis Nation of British Columbia: Check out the numerous programs available, as well as, the Trading Post for Métis resources.  

Strong Nations: If you are looking for Indigenous books or gifts then check out this vendor.