Members Only Help
If you are having problems accessing the Members only portion of our Website, please refer to either of the videos below.
If you are having problems accessing the Members only portion of our Website, please refer to either of the videos below.
Once you follow the instructions in either video, your account will be loaded into your chrome browser and you won't have to do it again on that device.
Once you follow the instructions in either video, your account will be loaded into your chrome browser and you won't have to do it again on that device.
If you already use Google Chrome, Watch video 1
If you already use Google Chrome, Watch video 1
If you don't use Google Chrome, Watch video 2
If you don't use Google Chrome, Watch video 2
Video 1
Hot to log in to members only - With previous Gmail Acct..webm
Video 2
How to log into members only - No previous Gmail.webm