About the Policy Institute

The GDS Policy Institute is a program in which fellows research a relevant, contemporary, and thought-provoking issue and use the knowledge gained to make a positive social impact on their communities and society overall. 

Georgetown Day School, an independent PK-12 school in Washington, D.C, first piloted the Institute in 2014 and since then more than 500 GDS high school students have participated in the program for four weeks each summer. Fellows have traveled around the nation as part of this program to learn, present, and volunteer.​ At the end of the four-week experience, students present to parents, and even previous presenters, about what they learned throughout their time in the Policy Institute. Certain tracks have continued experiences after the Policy Institute during the school year such as The Georgetown Day School Consent Summit, The Environmental Task Force, and more.

The Policy Institute's innovative model has been recognized by the Education Advisory Board (EAB'S 2016 Best Practices in Education). Fellows and lead teachers have presented their work at national conferences, such as National Association of Independent School's Annual Conference (2017) and the Private Schools with Public Purpose Conference (2015, 2018, 2019, and 2023).