Meet the Administrative team

Hafa adai Tuninos!

 Hafa adai TUNINOS!  We are so happy to have you back after this summer break.  As you set up for your return to the school mission, I ask you to reflect on the successes you’ve experienced from last year.  We invite you to continue with that positive vibe.

The upcoming school year is our proof that Southern High School is returning with a renewed purpose.  Students will be developing a Personal Graduation Plan that is tailored to their College and Career interest.  This Personal Graduation Plan will be the center for student success and will be how we converge all the supports and services to ensure long term outcomes.  We invite students to set their goals, plan and implement their invested  actions, Self-advocate, and Self-regulate to navigate the challenges of high school and further.  We are also looking to become Quality Learning Influencers and not just teachers and staff.  We want to be the influencers that each student needs for quality learning.  

We will also improve family engagement by strengthening our school efforts with the families as active partners.  We want to take this school year into the next three years—innovating the TUNINOS experience.  We want to become Quality Learning Influencers.


Michael Meno


Assistant Principals 

Shawna N. Bamba

11th and 12th Grade Administrator 

Leona S. Aguon 

Administrative Officer

Dr. Kin Fernandez

9th FAO/ 10th Gr Admin