September 14, 2020

1st Edition

Welcome to SY 2020-2021 and to FBLG Middle School

This school year may have started out where we were unsure of the unknown and exactly where we would be today. It can also be strenuous when trying to work into your daily habits, the attending of school and organizing your boundaries for when school begins and ends while at home. The health and safety is always the priority for all our members in our community.

F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School’s mission is to respond to the unique needs of our students while exploring areas of individual potential and cultivating lifelong learning skills.

It is this mission that guides our teachers and staff here at FBLG. Open communication with our Hawk Family is a necessity to assisting and supporting our school, our students and our parents. Throughout this school year we will work with you all, providing ways to cope and organize for a successful school year.

Here are some ideas to get you started. One idea is often taken for granted, the use of a planner or calendar, this year may very well be the year it helps our families organize their class requirements. It is a road map to where you are starting the week and how you will end it. Writing when things are due and when you will apply yourself to that task helps organize your week. Planners are not just for when you are at school. It helps in many different situations. Successful people are known to utilize a planner week by week.

Another great idea is to communicate with the teacher to express questions or concerns you may have. Contacting your teacher or school is often the quickest way to solving a dilemma your child may have with school work, grades, online classes and more. Here at FBLG we will strive to meet your needs and are excited to know that parents and students are willing to do their very best.

Stay safe, Stay Healthy and Stay on Task with Learning :)

Character Education is a shared responsibility: Parents - Child - School Community

What is Character education? Character education teaches positive habits of thoughts and actions that help today’s youth make positive decisions. With the mission of guiding them to being a good citizen to the larger community that they are a part of.

Through character education, students and adults in a community learn to understand their role as a member of that community, and to behave with respect, justice/fairness, empathy, good citizenship, trustworthiness and responsibility for self and others. When these characteristics are guided and formed, we form safe and healthy attitudes and develop coping skills guiding our youth to setting positive goals and to a successful future.

This school year we appreciate our parents for the support you provide when you encourage these 6 characteristics at home and when you remind your child that the same rules apply in the community. Currently FBLG offers 3 Models of Learning. Every month our Face to Face and hardcopy students will receive our printed newsletter. Online students and those with internet access may also view our activities, and discussions on our website. You will find many interesting topics to help you and your child work from home and how to cope with their classes and school’s requirements and expectations. We look forward to working with you and your child as we develop their abilities to learn about themselves, their relationship to others and their future endeavors.

Earning rewards for yourself, your teachers and for your family!

Yes, we are still rewarding individuals who participate and demonstrate positive behaviors when they make efforts to represent themselves and their school positively.

We take pleasure in recognizing all the members of our school community. Here are some ways to earn HAWK tickets.

For Students

Every month activities will be provided through our newsletter, or on handouts. Do these assignments and you earn hawk tickets. You can use these hawk tickets to qualify for a prize packet filled with fun items. Items may include food coupons, intellectual toys, snacks, and other items made available throughout the year.

For Teachers

Each time a student submits their activity, indicate which teacher encouraged you the most to submit the assignment, or that they encouraged you by being a positive role model through their actions and class work. Your teacher will also receive a hawk ticket and be qualified to win a teacher related gift basket. What a great way to give back to your teacher.

For Families

Some activities are Family specific activities. Participate in these activities and your family can earn Hawk tickets to! This would qualify them to win a family related basket filled with items everyone at home could use.

Survival Tips for Working from Home

Working from home seems to be the new norm for this unique school year. With classes ending abruptly to adjusting to the new Models of Learning, this can feel very overwhelming. But, never fear, SCC is here! Here to help keep you calm and on top of your education game despite not being able to meet in a traditional school setting.

Here are some tips to help you control what you can and make the journey of learning continue to flow at home.

1. Create your space. Choose a spot in your home, free from distractions and one that you are most comfortable to get your work done. This space will be your “learning space” and should always be used for that purpose.

2. Equip your learning space. Make sure you have the tools and resources you need to get your learning journey started. (Hard Copy Packets, Laptop, Internet, Pencils, Paper…whatever you need to help you stay focused on your tasks.)

3. Set a routine. Even though we are not physically in school, we can still keep our Hawk Pride alive by being on time and prepared for each class by following our class schedule. Be familiar with your class schedule and know what Letter Day it is (A,B, or C Day). Classes are 49 minutes long so be sure to keep a clock nearby or a timer to keep track of your time.

4. Breathe and Take Breaks. This is a new experience for us all, and it is important to remind ourselves that we are doing a good job at just showing up to class and continuing to learn. Be sure to breathe, stretch and take brain breaks when needed.

TOGETHER we can make this a learning filled and productive school year!

This Month's Task Challenges

Upcoming, in our next newsletter, Teacher Feature and Student of the Month. SCC’s goal is to feature individuals who do amazing things everyday.