DynStoch 2018

Porto, Portugal, 6-8 June



If you still wish to register and attend the Conference, please contact the Local Organizing Committee at dynstoch2018@fe.up.pt

Registration is free of charge.

Lunch and dinner will have to be payed on site (about 7 euro/lunch, dinner will not exceed 30 euro).

Depending on funding that we may have, speakers will be offered some meals, possibly. We will keep participants up to date.

After the 11/Mar payment of a small registration fee may be required.

We are negotiating special funding to cover accommodation and meals expenses for at least 2 PhD students having difficulties in finding financial support. Students that may be interested are asked to contact the organizer as soon as possible and before the registration deadline. More information to be provided soon.

Please register by filling in the registration form bellow: