DynStoch 2018

Porto, Portugal, 6-8 June


Submission deadline: 23/Feb

Abstracts for all proposed contributions must be submitted using the LaTeX template provided for download. The deadline for submission is 23 February. Guidelines for submission:

  • download the LaTeX Template and rename it GivenNameSurname.tex;
  • use the LaTeX template to write the abstract, run latex/pdflatex and check the result;
  • follow the template guidelines; don't erase LaTeX comments, and don't use personal macros;
  • the total length of the abstract, including references, cannot exceed one page;
  • attach the abstract to an email with the subject line Abstract Dynstoch YourName. Attach only the LaTeX file with name GivenNameSurname.tex;
  • state in the email whether the abstract should be considered as a contributed talk or as a poster;
  • submit the email to dynstoch2018@fe.up.pt

All contributing authors will be notified by 6 March 2018, whether their abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation.

Photo by Rossana Ferreira