Sleep, Nutrition & Exercise

The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is a crucial part of the learning process! A good night of sleep can improve your memory, decision making, and even creativity. As a student, you should get the proper amount of sleep at night to help you stay focused, improve concentration, and improve academic performance. 

Sleep is extremely important for everyone, but especially for students. In the United States, it’s estimated that 30 percent of adults and 66 percent of adolescents are regularly sleep-deprived. Claudia Aguirre shows what happens to your body and brain when you skip sleep. 

Gina Poe Ph.D. is a UCLA Professor and Researcher at the Poe Sleep and Memory Lab, and she shares the remarkable work our brains do when we sleep and how it regenerates the mind, body, and memory.

Watch this video to learn more about the importance of sleep from students sharing stories about their sleep cycle. 

The Importance of Nutrition & Exercise

Watch this video to learn how the food you eat affects your brain!

Check out this short video about how good nutrition and some fitness can benefit college students!

Eating for brain health is beneficial. This short blog suggests the best and the worst snacks for studying so you can feel better physically and increase your cognitive function.

Did you know exercise improves the condition of the brain and cognition? Watch this 1 1/2 min. video to learn how exercise can make you a better student!

Exercise changes the brain in ways that protect memory and thinking skills. Find out how to exercise your way to better school performance!

Scientific studies show that regular exercise provides students with important cognitive benefits. Check this blog to find out how exercise helps students' academic success.