Linking Literacy

for learners

K-6 Grade

"Doing What's Best for Kids"

Welcome to the GISD Literacy Page. Our mission is to teach so that students learn to their maximum potential. As such, students will be active participants in a literacy rich environment.

Literacy is the ability to listen, speak clearly, read, write, and think critically using print and digital materials across all disciplines. Whether it is the words of a language, the symbols in a mathematical equation, or images posted to the Internet—literacy enables students to achieve goals, develop their potential, and become a successful member of society.

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K-2 Structured Literacy Framework
3-5 Structured Literacy Framework
6th Structured Literacy Framework

Gatesville Independent School District is committed to providing balanced literacy instruction to all students. GISD teachers will organize their instruction into three blocks: Reading Workshop, Writing Workshop, and Word Study/Phonics. Each of these blocks are composed of specific elements