
This section provides additional resources to support your understanding of Standards-Based Learning.

Questions to ask the Teacher about Standards-Based Learning

Provides a collection of questions from the "Questions to ask your child's teacher" section from each of the Standards-Based Learning modules.

The NC Department of Public Instruction provides resources in order to educate, inform, and advocate for strengthening the role of parents, families, and communities in their students' education.

This article by Matt Townsley discusses the research behind standards-based grading, which is directly connected to standards-based learning.

This article by Educational Leadership outlines several reasons to move to standards-based learning and grading.

Once standards-based learning is established in the classroom, the teacher will move to standards-based grading. This article by Common Goal Systems provides a brief description of standards-based grading.

This article by School Family discusses what parents need to know about standards-based grading, providing a detailed look at understanding if your child is learning.

Continue to the Wrap-Up section.

The learning cycle featured in this project is based on the STAR Legacy Cycle developed by the IRIS Center (2013;, and based on the work of Dr. John Branford and colleagues (National Research Council, 2000).