How is Standards-Based Learning Different from Traditional Learning?

Traditional vs. Standards-Based Learning

Standards-based learning differs from traditional learning by ...

  • traditional learning teachers design lessons to present content to students they expect them to learn, and standards-based learning teachers design lessons to teach and assess the content by standards.

  • traditional learning focuses on the teacher, standards-based learning focuses on student learning.

  • traditional learning emphasizes performance and work and is productivity-driven whereas standards-based learning emphasizes what students know and how they use that knowledge.

(Heflebower et al., 2019)


With standards-based learning, teachers ensure every student achieves proficiency by providing multiple opportunities to learn and demonstrate their knowledge of the standards. Unlike with traditional learning, one test does not determine success. When students have demonstrated their understanding of the content, they proceed to the next learning opportunity, motivating students to take ownership of their education. This process allows the students and the teachers to become collaborative partners.

Questions to ask your child's teacher

  • What standards will my child learn this year?

  • What if my student does not master the standard?

  • What if my student excels in the standard? How do you support their advanced learning?

In the next section, you have the opportunity to explore additional resources for standards-based learning.

The learning cycle featured in this project is based on the STAR Legacy Cycle developed by the IRIS Center (2013;, and based on the work of Dr. John Branford and colleagues (National Research Council, 2000).