Spec. ed.

You can access Special Education Support in room 214.

Services Available for Students with Special Education Identifications:

Withdrawal Assistance (Learning Strategies)

The Learning Strategies is a credit bearing course that you take in one semester where you learn about the skills and strategies to be successful in high school. You learn how to advocate for your accommodations as set out in your IEP. The Learning Strategies course is taught by your Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT).

Resource Assistance

Resource Assistance is provided by the Special Education Resource Teacher by supporting you in your classes. Instructional supports and accommodations are provided and continually assessed and evaluated by the the Special Education Resource Teacher in consultation with your classroom teacher.

Indirect Support

Indirect Support is a monitoring level of service provided to students who are placed in the regular classroom. The Special Education Resource Teacher, in consultation with the classroom teacher, monitors the student's progress and makes program adjustments when required.

Recommended Courses:

Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School (Grades 9/10)

Sample units of study in Grade 9:

  • Preparing for Learning

  • Research Skills

  • Presentation Skills

  • Me as a Learner: Self-Knowledge & Opportunities

Sample units of study in Grade 10:

  • Literacy

  • Knowledge and Skill Development

  • Exploring Opportunities

Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School (Grades 11/12)

Sample units of study in Grade 11:

  • Literacy

  • Numeracy

  • Mental Health

Sample units of study in Grade 12:

  • Goal Setting

  • Learning Skills

  • Transitioning to Post-Secondary

  • Post-Secondary/Apprenticeship/Work Profile

Click here for more information on the Special Education Department