The School Day

Before class I can:

Go to my locker Listen to music Sit in my classroom Talk to my friends

Here is what I should bring to class.

At lunchtime you can eat in the cafeteria. You can buy lunch or bring it from home.

Bus Information

Student Transportation Services of York Region provide busing services to students who attend York Region District School Board.

Information on transportation can be obtained at their web site.

Tips for parents:

  • Student Transportation Services update the bus route information during the summer. Checking the web site in August will provide the information required.

  • Remember to check the: bus route numbers, bus stop, pick up and drop off times.

  • Your child should be at the bus stop ten minutes early the first day. Remind your child that the bus may be late.

  • Prior to the first day of school, determine the routine your child needs to follow to get to the bus stop on time and ensure that he practices it. Also, determine the routine your child needs to follow when arriving home at the end of the day.

  • Review the Trouble Shooting list with your child prior to the first day of school.