
Studying is a way that you review the material that you have learned in order to remember important points when you write a test or exam.

It is important to find a good place to study. A good place to study is:

  • Free from distractions

  • Quiet

  • Comfortable (seating, room for material, comfortable temperature)

  • Enough light

There are many different ways to study. Here are some examples of how you could study:

  • Read your textbook or notes (Some people read their textbook or notes more than once)

  • Rewrite your notes (Some people learn best when they write out the material)

  • Make study notes (These are notes that include some of the most important points you have to remember)

  • Ask someone to quiz you on the material

My Study Plan

  • It is important to think about how you would like to study. For many students, the more time they spend studying, the better they can do on tests and exams.

  • A study plan can be a way for you to think about and write down which ways may help you study. Remember everyone studies differently, and it may take some time to figure out what works best for you. Take a moment to write down how you think you might study best.

  • I can study best by…