Summer School 

Students that complete a summer school course with a school board other than the YRDSB or privately will need to submit their report card to the Guidance office for this to be added to their records.

Summer School

If you are interested in taking a summer school course, please follow the steps below:

Formats of courses

Acceleration (available on myBlueprint as of April 9th)

These are for students that are completing the FULL course.  This could be a repeat of the course or taking it for the first time.

Credit Recovery/Differentiated Instruction (target date to be on myBlueprint is April 15th)

These courses are for students that were unsuccessful with a credit during the school year and have been recommended by Guidance/Student Success for this recovery opportunity.

Credit Upgrading (target date to be on myBlueprint is April 15th)

These courses are intended for students who successfully completed a credit but would like the opportunity to do further work on the subject matter to potentially improve their mark.