National Service

(Updated Jan, 2024)

Important Notice: 

If you plan to apply to universities in this academic term, you must adhere to the Class of 2024 UAC Internal Deadlines and contact your University Advisor.

If you do not adhere to these deadlines, the UAC will be unable to support your application.

For more information about National Service support at UWCSEA, please click here for an informational video.


Are there any advantages, other than time management, to applying during Grade 12 and deferring?

How much of the university application work can we do while we are at school?

A lot!  The UAC recommends that all NS men complete the process at the same time as their peers, even if you don’t submit your applications .  You should participate in the university advising program in exactly the same way as if you were going to university at the end of Grade 12. Meet with your advisor at key times in Grades 11 and 12, go to all the information sessions, attend the essay writing workshops, and take full advantage of university visits and interview opportunities while you are still here. Write preliminary drafts of application essays and get feedback on them.   Attend our special sessions for prospective National Servicemen.

If you are sure you will need SAT or ACT tests, take them while you are still enrolled in school, or immediately after your IB exams (this may be required by some universities). Your brain will not be in peak form during your time away from study.  Test scores are valid for 5 years, so be sure to complete the tests while your brain is still trained for academic thinking!

If you are planning US applications, you will also need to get 2 subject teacher references while you are in school.  Attend the subject reference talk in Grade 11 and complete the paperwork, indicating that you will be liable for NS.   Your university advisor will ensure that your references are completed before you graduate, so that if your teachers leave, you will not suddenly find yourself without references two years later.

National Service is two years. Does that mean I will be able to start university as soon as I complete my NS obligation?

There may be a gap.  It depends on when you enlist and when the university term begins in the country you are considering.

Most of our NS-bound boys enlist within the first 3 months after graduating from our school, between June and September, so they are free to enter a northern hemisphere university at the start of the academic year 2 years later (in the UK, US, or Canada, or in Singapore). But if they enlist in October or later, they may miss the start of the academic year in these countries and may need to wait until the following year to begin their university degree in the northern hemisphere. However, in that case the timing would be perfect for Australian universities, as their term starts in February.

To what extent will the University Advising Centre support us if we have National Service obligations?

Each year we process university applications for 25—30 National Service men so don’t worry, this is a common situation and we have lots of experience with it. 

We support you fully while you are at school, and we continue to support you as far as we possibly can while you are in NS.  However, be aware that there are logistical challenges once your NS commitment begins. Advisors can email and meet online with you. Most NS men are able to get leave to come in for meetings during the school day.     

However, NS men on active duty often have unpredictable schedules and are sometimes sent to remote locations where email communication is impossible.  Therefore, to make the process go smoothly, you need to be realistic about the logistics and do as much preparation as possible while you are still enrolled at school.

When do I actually apply? And will universities defer entry?

This varies greatly, depending on the country destination and the universities you are considering. Research is the key.Here are examples at five of our most popular destinations:






In Conclusion: How to be a successful NS Applicant

Universities are generally very impressed with the maturity that students bring to campus with them after a Gap Year or National Service, and you have an excellent chance of gaining more out of your university experience than if you had gone straight to college after completing your IB Diploma.

Best of luck, and please keep us informed about the outcome of your applications!