Personal and Social Education

We know that in order for learning to be effective, learners must feel secure and supported. At the same time, part of individual learning is growing in self-awareness, so that students understand themselves and how they interact with the people around them. The importance of this is captured in our dedicated Personal and Social Education (PSE) programme.

The programme is designed to make all students feel valued and confident. It develops awareness of the physical and emotional changes during these critical years, as well as equipping students to deal with growing peer pressures. The programme also provides guidance and support to help students find their place within and beyond the school, by encouraging them to understand and appreciate the richness of the College's diversity, challenge stereotypes and question generalisations. Students become more socially, culturally and politically aware.

The PSE programme in the High School is carefully laid out to address topics that are important to students at this stage of their development. Students are assigned a tutor and tutor group, and the PSE programme is delivered through daily meetings with the tutor group and via regular assemblies. The tutor is central to the care of students and works with the Head of Grade to help students make the most of their time in High School.

Professional guidance from the College counsellors is available if necessary, and our university advising programme commences in Grade 10, providing support for students in their decision-making and application process.

Below is an overview of the topics covered in each grade during the year. For more detailed information on each topic, please click on the grade levels in the left-hand navigation.