First Lego League 2024

FIRST® LEGO® League: Challenge

This year, the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) brings an art-inspired season - Masterpiece!

Four teams from UWC East rose to the challenge. The competition unfolded over the weekend of March 15th and 16th, showcasing months of preparation by dedicated students. Through relentless planning and teamwork, they honed their critical thinking and coding skills while immersing themselves in the joy of creation.

Armed with LEGO® robots programmed for a 2.5-minute frenzy of missions, they embraced the spirit of competition with enthusiasm. Amidst a bustling field of contenders, three UWC East teams distinguished themselves, earning coveted spots in the finals. Notably, Team Quantum Pulse received the Rising All-Star Award, a testament to their potential for greatness recognised by the judges.

For these students, the journey wasn't just about victory—it was about camaraderie, resilience, and the thrill of seeing the months of efforts come to life.

Congratulations to Quantum Pulse, UWCSEA Mechanicals, Techno Mages and The Robots!

Pre-Challenge Preparations:

Competition Day: