Teacher in the Workplace

The Teacher in the Workplace Program is funded by the PA Department of Labor & Industry through a grant to the Luzerne/Schuylkill and Pocono Workforce Investment Boards.

Program Goals

The intent of this project is to bring together K-12 educators, intermediate units, career and technical centers, higher education, and business and industry partners to design and integrate innovative activities into the curriculum. Doing so will serve to promote career awareness and 21st century work skills for all regional students.

To achieve this end, project partners have created a professional development program that includes the following goals:

Educators will be recruited from CSL Ecosystem school districts in Carbon, Schuylkill, and Luzerne counties.

Project Co-Leads Contact Information:

Project Outcomes

What is the measurable outcome?

    • Completion of online professional development modules aligned to transferring what the teachers are experiencing to in-the-class activities.

    • Pre and Post-Surveys to demonstrate educator growth of understanding of the program objectives.

    • Reflection logs collected in the Teacher in the Workplace Playbook and submission of authentic learning activities that incorporates PA CEW standards.

Check out our teachers that participated in this program.

New video_Medium.mp4

Mr. Ben Warren, classroom teacher from the Jim Thorpe Area School District's Penn-Kidder Campus, discusses the benefits of programs like Teacher in the Workplace.

The provided video recording includes Mr. Warren's reaction to this program and how programs like this are required in order to support teachers as they provide richer learning opportunities to our students.

CSL Ecosystem,

Teachers in the workforce has been a very positive experience for me.

When I was first approached by my principal and told that I was going to be part of this experience, I didn't know what to think. As with any program, I was a bit apprehensive. In the weeks and days leading up to the first meeting, I was excited to receive information about what to expect.

All of our visits were set up and made things very easy for all of us. We were told where to park and everything to expect. It made each day enjoyable and easy to get through.

I found the discussion part of the visits to be the most helpful. The educators were able to ask questions and have honest discussions with the employers.

I have enjoyed this opportunity so much.

Thank you

Xann Pray, Teacher, Greater Nanticoke Area School District