Useful reports
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Frequently Asked QuestionsÂ
Sometimes you need help figuring out which report is the right one. Â Below is a list of the most common ways these reports are used.
* Admin Reports are unique reports created by the district. You can navigate to instructions on report functionality by selecting Admin Reports from the Useful Reports drop-down menu located in the top right-hand corner of this page.
The TeacherVue Report Quick Samples guide provides a list of available reports.

- How do I get a list of my Students?

Prints exactly the way you see your seating chart. Student photos, IDs, names and checkboxes for taking attendanceÂ
(note: if your seating chart is large and spread out, the photos get too small to see. Sadly there's no way to fix that)

Elementary Only. Lists of Student names with lines for notes & student totals
- Can I print a list of Parent/Emergency Contact info?

STU402 -Student/Parent Directory
Alpha by Student. Parent names, addresses, phone

STU410 -Emergency Contact Directory
Alpha by Student. Parent names & phone PLUS Emergency contact phone and relationship to the student

ALL student/parent info as well as emergency, custodial & health conditions for each student
- How do I get an Attendance Record for students?

Attendance details for each student individually

Attendance details for students with 1 or more absences.

List of every student absence.

 ATP201- Per Student Attendance
Attendance details for each student individually.

ATP404- Per Class Attendance List
List of student absences in each of your periods.

ATP406- Per Class Attendance Form
Simple form for taking attendance manually. Does not display Attendance data.
- Are my students involved in Extra-Curricular Groups, ELL or other programs?

One page for each student showing individual student info and activities

One page for each activity with a list of students involved with it.
- Are my Students on track to graduate?
- Can I print schedules for my students?

CHS202 -Shows the student's credits required, completed, and still needed. Also shows Essentials Skills status and Cumulative GPA

*Note: Printing schedules should not be necessary, because student's can access their schedules on their iPads using the StudentVue app