Grade Book

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Click the grey arrows icon located in the top-right hand corner of the following documents to open a document in a new tab.


Grade Book Setup.pdf

Assignment-Based Grade Book

Grade Book-Use.pdf

Standards- Based Grade Book

*Important Note: We do NOT recommend teachers use the Standards Based Grade Book without 3-4 hours of training. It's complex and requires intentional planning ahead. 

Standards GradeBook Manual.pdf

Standards-Based Planning Guide: 

If your school/team is considering Standards-Based Grading this preliminary guide will help you plan for decisions, adjustments, and communications you'll need to make for a successful transition. 

Standards GradeBook Preliminary.pdf

Google Classroom Sync with Synergy: 

Google Classroom can now syncs grades and assignments with your Synergy Grade Book. 


Accessing a Prior Year Grade Book: 

A prior year grade book can be accessed in read-only mode.

Viewing Past Grade Books.pdf