Student Profile

New Grade Book Student Profile

The new grade book student profile feature provides a holistic look at students including information regarding attendance, course history, grades, health, discipline, and communication.

- New Grade Book Student Profile

- Summary Tab 

The Summary tab provides basic student demographic information, attendance summary, behavior totals, class schedule, enrollment history, and student group information.

- Attendance

The Attendance tab displays attendance by month, attendance by period, attendance by date, and attendance calendar data.

- Course History

The Course History tab includes overall course summary, lifetime class marks, and transcript data. 

The functionality of chart grouping, filter creation, data exporting, and column choosing features that are on this tab match the functionality of the same tools that are found on the other tabs.

- Grade Book Detail

Select a class from the Classes drop-down menu, and then select a grading period from the Periods drop-down menu. Class grade, category grades, and assignment data display for the selected class.

- Health

The Health tab displays student health conditions and immunization data.

The functionality of chart grouping, filter creation, data exporting, and column choosing features that are on this tab match the functionality of the same tools that are found on the other tabs.

- Test History

The Test History tab displays Test Analysis and Test History information.

The functionality of chart grouping, filter creation, data exporting, and column choosing features that are on this tab match the functionality of the same tools that are found on the other tabs.

* The testing information that we will display is currently under construction.  

- Communication

The Communication tab displays the communication history for the selected student.