Werewolf Nature

General Information

What are werewolves? What is lycanthropy?

Werewolves are creatures that are a mixture between man and wolf, changing between the two based on the environment and the way they are portrayed in their telling. The idea of lycanthropy has no official definition as to how werewolves are created, but throughout their history, werewolves can be created from a wolf/werewolf bite, as a curse/punishment, and through parent genetics. The transformation from men into wolves can be seen in folklore as an uncontrollable habit that occurs when there is a full moon, as soon as dusk falls, or when the clock strikes midnight. In many modern day portrayals, the transformation could occur upon request of the human or as night falls. While in the wolf form, they are typically known as being very rabid and insane creatures, who tend to be much stronger than their human form. Because of their uncontrollable habits in as a wolf, they are known for killing animals and people, as well as eating human corpses. Even though they are very powerful beasts, they are not quite immortal. There are a few ways in which you can kill a werewolf: high exposure to lethal silver (such as a silver bullet), beheading, or by burning them.

What do they look like?

Werewolves are known for appearing very strong in the supernatural world. They may completely take the form of a wolf, or may become a hybrid where characteristics of human and wolf can be seen. Their black or brown fur is very coarse and appears in vary insane patterns, matching their spontaneous and uncontrollable behavior. Although there are stories of both men and women being werewolves, men are portrayed as werewolves more because of their sexual element of hyper-masculinity.

How are wolves and werewolves similar?

While in their wolf form, werewolves closely resemble the characteristics of regular wolves to the point where one may not know if they were encountering a wolf or a werewolf. Aside from their similarities in looks, werewolves have very similar behavioral traits. One of the most common may be that they are both known for traveling in packs, with an Alpha leading the way. Both werewolves and wolves are known for their famous howling, which is used to communicate with others in multiple ways: for mating, warn off others of their territory, reach out with the rest of their pack. Another thing that is undoubtedly similar between wolves and werewolves are their aggressive behavior. The use of this behavior is to show dominance, but also for survival as members on the food chain. Overall, in more ways than not, werewolves are very similar to their purebred animal counterparts.